A Compendium of Roman Law Founded on the Institutes of Justinian: Together with Examination Questions Set in the University and Bar Examinations (1878)

A Compendium of Roman Law Founded on the Institutes of Justinian: Together with Examination Questions Set in the University and Bar Examinations (1878) (Gordon Campbell)

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A Compendium of Roman Law Founded on the Institutes of Justinian: Together with Examination Questions Set in the University and Bar Examinations (1878

Zawartość książki:

Ta rzadka antykwaryczna książka jest wyborem z serii Legacy Reprint wydawnictwa Kessinger Publishing.

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A Compendium of Roman Law Founded on the Institutes of Justinian: Together with Examination Questions Set in the University and Bar Examinations (1878) - A Compendium of Roman Law Founded on the Institutes of Justinian: Together with Examination Questions Set in the University and Bar Examinations (1878

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