The Witchcraft Delusion In New England; Its Rise, Progress, And Termination, As Exhibited By Dr. Cotton Mather In The Wonders Of The Invisible World,

The Witchcraft Delusion In New England; Its Rise, Progress, And Termination, As Exhibited By Dr. Cotton Mather In The Wonders Of The Invisible World, (Gardner Drake Samuel)

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Książka, The Witchcraft Delusion In New England Its Rise, Progress, And Termination, As Exhibited By Dr. Cotton Mather In The Wonders Of The Invisible World, And By Mr.

Robert Calef In His More Wonders Of The Invisible World (Volume Ii), została uznana przez akademików i uczonych za niezwykle istotną i wartościową dla literatury. Stanowi ona część bazy wiedzy dla przyszłych pokoleń.

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