British Lib Historical Print E

Dotychczas wydane książki wydawnictwa British Lib Historical Print E:

The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Z portretem i mapami. Z portretem i mapami ...
Tytuł: Historia schyłku i upadku Cesarstwa...
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire [Z portretem i mapami. [Z portretem i mapami]. - The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. [With a Portrait and Maps.]
The Land of Sunshine. Irrigation in New Mexico, Etc. a Prospectus Issued by the Rio Grande...
Tytuł: The Land of Sunshine. Nawadnianie w Nowym...
The Land of Sunshine. Irrigation in New Mexico, Etc. a Prospectus Issued by the Rio Grande Irrigation and Land Co., with Maps, Etc.
Zapis wyprawy do Abisynii opracowany na polecenie sekretarza stanu ds. wojny. Pod kierownictwem...
Tytuł: Zapis wyprawy do Abisynii opracowany na...
Zapis wyprawy do Abisynii opracowany na polecenie sekretarza stanu ds. wojny. Pod kierownictwem pułkownika Sir Henry'ego Jamesa itp. [Z - Record of the Expedition to Abyssinia compiled by order of the Secretary of State for War. Under the direction of Colonel Sir Henry James, etc. [With
Parafia New Monkland: jej historia, przemysł i ludzie ... Z licznymi portretami i odbitkami ze...
Tytuł: Parafia New Monkland: jej historia,...
Parafia New Monkland: jej historia, przemysł i ludzie ... Z licznymi portretami i odbitkami ze zdjęć. - New Monkland Parish: its history, industries, and people ... With numerous portraits and prints from photographs.
An Account of Carlisle During the Rebellion of 1745. to Which Is Added a Speech, Supposed to Have...
Tytuł: An Account of Carlisle during the Rebellion...
An Account of Carlisle During the Rebellion of 1745. to Which Is Added a Speech, Supposed to Have Been, Delivered by Thomas Cappoch, the Rebel-Bishop,
Konstantynopol. miasto sułtanów ... Ilustrowane. - Constantinople. the City of the Sultans .....
Tytuł: Konstantynopol. Miasto sułtanów.....
Konstantynopol. miasto sułtanów ... Ilustrowane. - Constantinople. the City of the Sultans ... Illustrated.
A New Travesty on Romeo and Juliet; As Originally Presented Before the University Club of St. Louis,...
Tytuł: Nowa parodia Romea i Julii, pierwotnie...
A New Travesty on Romeo and Juliet; As Originally Presented Before the University Club of St. Louis, January 16, 1877.
Ely Cathedral . Ward and Lock's Illustrated Historical Handbook to Ely Cathedral. with Notices of...
Tytuł: Katedra w Ely. Ward and Lock's Illustrated...
Ely Cathedral]. Ward and Lock's Illustrated Historical Handbook to Ely Cathedral. with Notices of Its Monastic Buildings, Etc. - Ely Cathedral.] Ward and Lock's Illustrated Historical Handbook to Ely Cathedral. with Notices of Its Monastic Buildings, Etc.
Uwagi na temat Liguryjczyków, Akwitańczyków i Belgów ... Reprinted from the Transactions of the...
Tytuł: Uwagi o Liguryjczykach, Akwitanach i...
Uwagi na temat Liguryjczyków, Akwitańczyków i Belgów ... Reprinted from the Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Etc. - Notes on the Ligurians, Aquitanians and Belgians ... Reprinted from the Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Etc.
Żołnierze Legionu: Opowieść o wojnie karlistowskiej. - Soldiers of the Legion: A Tale of the Carlist...
Tytuł: Żołnierze Legionu: opowieść o wojnie...
Żołnierze Legionu: Opowieść o wojnie karlistowskiej. - Soldiers of the Legion: A Tale of the Carlist War.

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