A Voyage to the South-Seas, in the Years 1740-1: Containing, a Faithful Narrative of the Loss of His Majesty's Ship the Wager on a Desolate Island in

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A Voyage to the South-Seas, in the Years 1740-1: Containing, a Faithful Narrative of the Loss of His Majesty's Ship the Wager on a Desolate Island in (John Bulkeley)

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Inne książki autora:

A Voyage to the South-Seas, in the Years 1740-1: Containing, a Faithful Narrative of the Loss of His...
Ta praca została wybrana przez naukowców jako...
A Voyage to the South-Seas, in the Years 1740-1: Containing, a Faithful Narrative of the Loss of His Majesty's Ship the Wager on a Desolate Island in
Podróż do mórz południowych w latach 1740-1. Containing a Faithful Narrative of the Loss of His...
XVIII wiek był okresem bogactwa wiedzy,...
Podróż do mórz południowych w latach 1740-1. Containing a Faithful Narrative of the Loss of His Majesty's Ship the [sic] Wager on a Desolate I - A Voyage to the South Seas, in the Years 1740-1. Containing a Faithful Narrative of the Loss of His Majesty's Ship the the [sic] Wager on a Desolate I
A Voyage to the South-Seas, in the Years 1740-1: Containing, a Faithful Narrative of the Loss of His...
Ta praca została wybrana przez naukowców jako...
A Voyage to the South-Seas, in the Years 1740-1: Containing, a Faithful Narrative of the Loss of His Majesty's Ship the Wager on a Desolate Island in
A Voyage to the South Seas, in the Years 1740-1. Containing a Faithful Narrative of the Loss of His...
XVIII wiek był okresem bogactwa wiedzy,...
A Voyage to the South Seas, in the Years 1740-1. Containing a Faithful Narrative of the Loss of His Majesty's Ship the [Sic] Wager on a Desolate I - A Voyage to the South Seas, in the Years 1740-1. Containing a Faithful Narrative of the Loss of His Majesty's Ship the the [Sic] Wager on a Desolate I
A Voyage to the South-Seas, in the Years 1740-1: Containing, a Faithful Narrative of the Loss of His...
Jest to ekscytująca opowieść przygodowa o utracie...
A Voyage to the South-Seas, in the Years 1740-1: Containing, a Faithful Narrative of the Loss of His Majesty's Ship the Wager on a Desolate Island in
A Voyage to the South-Seas, in the Years 1740-1: Containing a Faithful Narrative of the Loss of His...
Opowieść o nieszczęsnym HMS Wager zawładnęła...
A Voyage to the South-Seas, in the Years 1740-1: Containing a Faithful Narrative of the Loss of His Majesty's Ship the Wager on a Desolate Island (Podróż do mórz południowych w latach 1740-1: zawierająca wierny opis utraty statku Jego Królewskiej Mości Wager na bezludnej wyspie) - A Voyage to the South-Seas, in the Years 1740-1: Containing a Faithful Narrative of the Loss of His Majesty's Ship the Wager on a Desolate Island

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