Prezentacja autora William Hull:

Dotychczas wydane książki William Hull:

Report of the Trial of Brig. General William Hull, Commanding the North-Western Army of the United...
Tytuł: Raport z procesu generała brygady Williama...
Report of the Trial of Brig. General William Hull, Commanding the North-Western Army of the United States: przez sąd wojenny, który odbył się w Albany w poniedziałek - Report of the Trial of Brig. General William Hull, Commanding the North-Western Army of the United States: By a Court Martial Held at Albany on Monday
Memoirs of the Campaign of the North Western Army of the United States, A.D. 1812; With an Appendix...
W tym porywającym pamiętniku William Hull opowiada...
Memoirs of the Campaign of the North Western Army of the United States, A.D. 1812; With an Appendix Containing a Brief Sketch of the Revolutionary Ser
Regeneracja chrzcielna: Jak pokazano w formularzy Kościoła krótko wyjaśnione i potwierdzone (1836) -...
Baptismal Regeneration: As Exhibited In The...
Regeneracja chrzcielna: Jak pokazano w formularzy Kościoła krótko wyjaśnione i potwierdzone (1836) - Baptismal Regeneration: As Exhibited In The Formularies Of The Church Briefly Explained And Vindicated (1836)
Memoirs of the Campaign of the North Western Army of the United States, A.D. 1812. in a Series of...
Tytuł: Wspomnienia z kampanii Armii...
Memoirs of the Campaign of the North Western Army of the United States, A.D. 1812. in a Series of Letters Addressed to the Citizens of the United Stat

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