War College Series

Dotychczas wydane książki wydawnictwa War College Series:

Przesłuchania, aresztowania i skazywanie niemieckich jeńców wojennych w Rosji Sowieckiej - War...
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Przesłuchania, aresztowania i skazywanie niemieckich jeńców wojennych w Rosji Sowieckiej - War College Series - Interrogation, Arrest and Condemnation of German Prisoners of War in Soviet Russia - War College Series
Nieznani generałowie - niemieccy dowódcy korpusów w II wojnie światowej - War College Series -...
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Nieznani generałowie - niemieccy dowódcy korpusów w II wojnie światowej - War College Series - Unknown Generals - German Corps Commanders in World War II - War College Series
Niemiec z Pensylwanii w wojnie secesyjnej - seria War College - The Pennsylvania German in the Civil...
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Niemiec z Pensylwanii w wojnie secesyjnej - seria War College - The Pennsylvania German in the Civil War - War College Series
The Baron's War, Including the Battles of Lewes and Evesham. with Illustrations. Wydanie drugie -...
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The Baron's War, Including the Battles of Lewes and Evesham. with Illustrations. Wydanie drugie - War College Series - The Baron's War, Including the Battles of Lewes and Evesham. with Illustrations. Second Edition - War College Series
Generał dywizji A. E. Burnside i Dziewiąty Korpus Armii: opis kampanii w Karolinie Północnej,...
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Generał dywizji A. E. Burnside i Dziewiąty Korpus Armii: opis kampanii w Karolinie Północnej, Maryland i Wirginii podczas wojny o zachowanie niepodległości - Major General A. E. Burnside and the Ninth Army Corps: a narrative of campaigns in North Carolina, Maryland, Virginia during the war for the preservat
Nikaragua: War of the Filibusters ... with Introductory Chapter by Hon. L. Baker. the Nicaraguan...
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Nikaragua: War of the Filibusters ... with Introductory Chapter by Hon. L. Baker. the Nicaraguan Canal, by Hon. W. A. Maccorkle . - Nicaragua: War of the Filibusters ... with Introductory Chapter by Hon. L. Baker. the Nicaraguan Canal, by Hon. W. A. Maccorkle .
Comparison of the Economic Mobilization in World War II of the United Kingdom, Germany, and Union of...
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Comparison of the Economic Mobilization in World War II of the United Kingdom, Germany, and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with That of the United - Comparison of the Economic Mobilization in World War II of the United Kingdom, Germany, and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with That of the Unite
Studium wojny rosyjsko-polskiej 1920 roku: Second Phase to Include the Advance of the Russian Forces...
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Studium wojny rosyjsko-polskiej 1920 roku: Second Phase to Include the Advance of the Russian Forces to the Doors of Warsaw - War College Series - Study of the Russo-Polish War 1920: Second Phase to Include the Advance of the Russian Forces to the Doors of Warsaw - War College Series
A History of the Negro Troops in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865. Preceded by a Review of the...
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A History of the Negro Troops in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865. Preceded by a Review of the Military Services of Negros in Ancient and Modern Ti
Węzły i kody: Rzeczywistość cyberwojny - seria War College - Nodes and Codes: The Reality of Cyber...
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Węzły i kody: Rzeczywistość cyberwojny - seria War College - Nodes and Codes: The Reality of Cyber Warfare - War College Series

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