Prezentacja autora Tony Cartledge:

Dotychczas wydane książki Tony Cartledge:

Nurturing Faith Commentary, Year B, Volume 1: Lectionary Resources for Kaznodziejstwo i Nauczanie:...
Komentarz Nurturing Faith powstał z pragnienia...
Nurturing Faith Commentary, Year B, Volume 1: Lectionary Resources for Kaznodziejstwo i Nauczanie: Adwent, Boże Narodzenie, Epifania - Nurturing Faith Commentary, Year B, Volume 1: Lectionary Resources for Preaching and Teaching: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany
Nurturing Faith Commentary, Year A, Volume 4: Lectionary Resources for Preaching and Teaching:...
Tom 4 Roku A Komentarza Pielęgnowania Wiary...
Nurturing Faith Commentary, Year A, Volume 4: Lectionary Resources for Preaching and Teaching: Season after Pentecost, Proper 15-29
Nurturing Faith Commentary, Year B, Volume 3: Lectionary Resource for Preaching and Teaching:...
Komentarz Nurturing Faith powstał z pragnienia...
Nurturing Faith Commentary, Year B, Volume 3: Lectionary Resource for Preaching and Teaching: Lent-Easter-Pentecost

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