Prezentacja autora N. Laforge William:

Dotychczas wydane książki N. Laforge William:

Zeznawanie przed Kongresem: A Practical Guide to Preparing and Delivering Testimony Before Congress...
Kiedy gubernator Mitch Daniels (Indiana) porównał...
Zeznawanie przed Kongresem: A Practical Guide to Preparing and Delivering Testimony Before Congress and Congressional Hearings for Agencies, Assoc - Testifying Before Congress: A Practical Guide to Preparing and Delivering Testimony Before Congress and Congressional Hearings for Agencies, Assoc
Zeznawanie przed Kongresem: A Practical Guide to Preparing and Delivering Testimony Before Congress...
Kiedy gubernator Mitch Daniels (Indiana) porównał...
Zeznawanie przed Kongresem: A Practical Guide to Preparing and Delivering Testimony Before Congress and Congressional Hearings for Agencies, Assoc - Testifying Before Congress: A Practical Guide to Preparing and Delivering Testimony Before Congress and Congressional Hearings for Agencies, Assoc

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Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2024.11.13 21:45 (GMT)