Prezentacja autora John Townshend:

Dotychczas wydane książki John Townshend:

Uniwersalny kucharz; lub kompletny asystent pani. ... John Townshend, - The Universal Cook; or,...
XVIII wiek był okresem bogactwa wiedzy,...
Uniwersalny kucharz; lub kompletny asystent pani. ... John Townshend, - The Universal Cook; or, Lady's Complete Assistant. ... By John Townshend,
A Treatise on the Wrongs Called Slander and Libel, and on the Remedy by Civil Action for Those...
Ta praca została wybrana przez naukowców jako...
A Treatise on the Wrongs Called Slander and Libel, and on the Remedy by Civil Action for Those Wrongs, to which is Added in this Edition a Chapter on - A Treatise on the Wrongs Called Slander and Libel, and on the Remedy by Civil Action for Those Wrongs, to Which is Added in This Edition a Chapter on

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