Franklin Classics

Dotychczas wydane książki wydawnictwa Franklin Classics:

Plenty Coups Chief of the Crows - Plenty Coups Chief Of The Crows
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Plenty Coups Chief of the Crows - Plenty Coups Chief Of The Crows
Podręcznik dominikański: Wybór modlitw i nabożeństw: Autoryzowany przez Kościół i wzbogacony o...
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Podręcznik dominikański: Wybór modlitw i nabożeństw: Autoryzowany przez Kościół i wzbogacony o liczne odpusty - The Dominican Manual: A Selection of Prayers and Devotions: Authorized by the Church, and Enriched With Numerous Indulgences
Across the Sub-Arctics of Canada, a Journey of 3,200 Miles by Canoe and Snow Shoe Through the Hudson...
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Across the Sub-Arctics of Canada, a Journey of 3,200 Miles by Canoe and Snow Shoe Through the Hudson Bay Region (Przez subarktyki Kanady, podróż 3200 mil kajakiem i rakietami śnieżnymi przez region Zatoki Hudsona) - Across the Sub-Arctics of Canada, a Journey of 3,200 Miles by Canoe and Snow Shoe Through the Hudson Bay Region
Monumentalne pomniki, projekty nagrobków i pomników ściennych - Monumental Memorials, Designs for...
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Monumentalne pomniki, projekty nagrobków i pomników ściennych - Monumental Memorials, Designs for Headstones and Mural Monuments
Hadriani Relandi De Spoliis Templi Hierosolymitani In Arcu Titiano Romae Conspicuis Liber...
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Hadriani Relandi De Spoliis Templi Hierosolymitani In Arcu Titiano Romae Conspicuis Liber Singularis
Królewskość samokontroli From Self-Control, Its Kingship and Majesty by W.G. Jordon Sic - The...
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Królewskość samokontroli [From Self-Control, Its Kingship and Majesty] by W.G. Jordon [Sic] - The Kingship of Self-Control [From Self-Control, Its Kingship and Majesty] by W.G. Jordon [Sic]
The Spiritual Combat, Together With the Supplement and the Path of Paradise, Tr. and Ed. by the Rev...
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The Spiritual Combat, Together With the Supplement and the Path of Paradise, Tr. and Ed. by the Rev. W.H. Hutchings
Biografia misyjna. Wspomnienie Sary B. Judson, autorstwa Fanny Forester - Missionary Biography. the...
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Biografia misyjna. Wspomnienie Sary B. Judson, autorstwa Fanny Forester - Missionary Biography. the Memoir of Sarah B. Judson, by Fanny Forester
Genealogia rodziny Marshów: Outline for 5 Generations of the Families of John of Salem, 1633; John...
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Genealogia rodziny Marshów: Outline for 5 Generations of the Families of John of Salem, 1633; John of Hartford, 1636; Samuel of New Haven, 1646; A - Genealogy of the Marsh Family: Outline for 5 Generations of the Families of John of Salem, 1633; John of Hartford, 1636; Samuel of New Haven, 1646; A
Walka duchowa: wraz z suplementem i ścieżką raju - The Spiritual Combat: Together With the...
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Walka duchowa: wraz z suplementem i ścieżką raju - The Spiritual Combat: Together With the Supplement and the Path of Paradise

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