Erik Oberg

Dotychczas wydane książki Erik Oberg:

Spiral and Worm Gearing - A Treatise on the Principles, Dimensions, Calculation and Design of Spiral...
Opublikowany po raz pierwszy w 1914 roku tom...
Spiral and Worm Gearing - A Treatise on the Principles, Dimensions, Calculation and Design of Spiral and Worm Gearing, Together with Chapters on the M
Obróbka cieplna stali: A Comprehensive Treatise On the Hardening, Tempering, Annealing and...
Ta praca została wybrana przez naukowców jako ważna...
Obróbka cieplna stali: A Comprehensive Treatise On the Hardening, Tempering, Annealing and Casehardening of Various Kinds of Steel, Including - Heat-Treatment of Steel: A Comprehensive Treatise On the Hardening, Tempering, Annealing and Casehardening of Various Kinds of Steel, Including
Obróbka cieplna stali: A Comprehensive Treatise on the Hardening, Tempering, Annealing and...
Bogato ilustrowany i szczegółowy, ten klasyczny...
Obróbka cieplna stali: A Comprehensive Treatise on the Hardening, Tempering, Annealing and Casehardening of Various Kinds of Steel, Including - Heat-Treatment of Steel: A Comprehensive Treatise on the Hardening, Tempering, Annealing and Casehardening of Various Kinds of Steel, Including
Gage Design and Gage-making; a Treatise on the Development of Gaging Systems For Interchangeable...
Ta praca została wybrana przez naukowców jako...
Gage Design and Gage-making; a Treatise on the Development of Gaging Systems For Interchangeable Manufacture, the Design of Different Types of Gages a
Encyklopedia maszyn: A Work of Reference Covering Practical Mathematics and Mechanics, Machine...
Ta praca została wybrana przez naukowców jako...
Encyklopedia maszyn: A Work of Reference Covering Practical Mathematics and Mechanics, Machine Design, Machine Construction and Operation, - Machinery's Encyclopedia: A Work of Reference Covering Practical Mathematics and Mechanics, Machine Design, Machine Construction and Operation,
Encyklopedia maszyn: A Work of Reference Covering Practical Mathematics and Mechanics, Machine...
Ta praca została wybrana przez naukowców jako...
Encyklopedia maszyn: A Work of Reference Covering Practical Mathematics and Mechanics, Machine Design, Machine Construction and Operation, - Machinery's Encyclopedia: A Work of Reference Covering Practical Mathematics and Mechanics, Machine Design, Machine Construction and Operation,
Żelazo i stal; traktat o wytapianiu, rafinacji i procesach mechanicznych przemysłu żelaznego i...
Ta praca została wybrana przez naukowców jako...
Żelazo i stal; traktat o wytapianiu, rafinacji i procesach mechanicznych przemysłu żelaznego i stalowego, w tym o chemicznym i fizycznym cha - Iron and Steel; a Treatise on The Smelting, Refining, and Mechanical Processes of The Iron and Steel Industry, Including The Chemical and Physical Cha
Przekładnie zębate czołowe i stożkowe: A Treatise On the Principles, Dimensions, Calculation, Design...
Ta praca została wybrana przez naukowców jako...
Przekładnie zębate czołowe i stożkowe: A Treatise On the Principles, Dimensions, Calculation, Design and Strength of Spur and Bevel Gearing, Together With Ch - Spur and Bevel Gearing: A Treatise On the Principles, Dimensions, Calculation, Design and Strength of Spur and Bevel Gearing, Together With Ch
Iron and Steel - A Treatise on the Smelting, Refining, and Mechanical Processes of the Iron and...
Ta edycja "Machinery's Reference Series" dotyczy żelaza...
Iron and Steel - A Treatise on the Smelting, Refining, and Mechanical Processes of the Iron and Steel Industry, Including the Chemical and Physical Ch
Handbook of Small Tools Comprising Threading Tools, Taps, Dies, Cutters, Drills, and Reamers -...
Po raz pierwszy opublikowana w 1908 roku, ta zabytkowa...
Handbook of Small Tools Comprising Threading Tools, Taps, Dies, Cutters, Drills, and Reamers - Together with a Complete Treatise on Screw-Thread Syste

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Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2024.11.13 21:45 (GMT)