British Lib Historical Print E

Dotychczas wydane książki wydawnictwa British Lib Historical Print E:

Edge Hill: Bitwa i pole bitwy; wraz z notatkami na temat Banbury i okolic. - Edge Hill: The Battle...
Tytuł: Edge Hill: Bitwa i pole bitwy; wraz z...
Edge Hill: Bitwa i pole bitwy; wraz z notatkami na temat Banbury i okolic. - Edge Hill: The Battle and Battlefield; Together with Some Notes on Banbury and Thereabouts.
Irlandia: Ur Chaldejskie. - Ireland: Ur of the Chaldees.
Tytuł: Irlandia: Ur Chaldejskie. Wydawca: British Library, Historical Print EditionsBiblioteka...
Irlandia: Ur Chaldejskie. - Ireland: Ur of the Chaldees.
The Lay of the Last Minstrel. autorstwa Sir Waltera Scotta. z notatkami i chronologicznym...
Tytuł: The Lay of the Last Minstrel. Autor: Sir...
The Lay of the Last Minstrel. autorstwa Sir Waltera Scotta. z notatkami i chronologicznym podsumowaniem jego życia oraz indeksem. - The Lay of the Last Minstrel. by Sir Walter Scott. with Notes and a Chronological Summary of His Life, and Index.
Historia Nowej Anglii. tom 1-4 - History of New England. vol. 1-4
Tytuł: Historia Nowej Anglii. tom 1-4. Wydawca: British Library,...
Historia Nowej Anglii. tom 1-4 - History of New England. vol. 1-4
Przygody sześciu młodych mężczyzn w dziczy Maine i Kanady; Albo Klub Knockabout ... Ilustrowane. -...
Tytuł: The Adventures of six young men in the...
Przygody sześciu młodych mężczyzn w dziczy Maine i Kanady; Albo Klub Knockabout ... Ilustrowane. - The Adventures of Six Young Men in the Wilds of Maine and Canada; Or the Knockabout Club ... Illustrated.
A Topographical Dictionary of England ... and the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey and Man ... with maps...
Tytuł: A Topographical Dictionary of England.....
A Topographical Dictionary of England ... and the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey and Man ... with maps ... and a plan of London, etc. Wydanie trzecie - A Topographical Dictionary of England ... and the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey and Man ... with maps ... and a plan of London, etc. Third Edition
Travels of Ali Bey in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey, Between the Years...
Tytuł: Podróże Alego Beya po Maroku, Trypolisie,...
Travels of Ali Bey in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey, Between the Years 1803 and 1807. Napisane przez niego samego i ilustrowane - Travels of Ali Bey in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey, Between the Years 1803 and 1807. Written by Himself, and Illustrated
Japońskie wnętrze. - A Japanese Interior.
Tytuł: Japońskie wnętrze. Wydawca: British Library, Historical Print EditionsBiblioteka Brytyjska jest...
Japońskie wnętrze. - A Japanese Interior.
The Fatal Contract, a French Tragedy In Five Acts and in Verse , Etc. Edited by A. T. and A. P...
Tytuł: The Fatal Contract, a French Tragedy in...
The Fatal Contract, a French Tragedy [In Five Acts and in Verse], Etc. [Edited by A. T. and A. P.]
The Sportsman's Paradise; Or, the Lake Lands of Canada. with Illustrations by D. C. and H. Beard...
Tytuł: The Sportsman's Paradise; or, the Lake...
The Sportsman's Paradise; Or, the Lake Lands of Canada. with Illustrations by D. C. and H. Beard. Wydanie drugie. - The Sportsman's Paradise; Or, the Lake Lands of Canada. with Illustrations by D. C. and H. Beard. Second Edition.

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