British Lib Historical Print E

Dotychczas wydane książki wydawnictwa British Lib Historical Print E:

La Sicilia illustrata nelle sue grandi epoche Opera diretta e in parte scritta da R. Salvo di...
Tytuł: La Sicilia illustrata nelle sue grandi...
La Sicilia illustrata nelle sue grandi epoche Opera diretta e in parte scritta da R. Salvo di Pietraganzili vol. 1. La Sicilia antica vol. 2, 3. Storia - La Sicilia illustrata nelle sue grandi epoche Opera diretta e in parte scritta da R. Salvo di Pietraganzili vol 1. La Sicilia antica vol. 2, 3. Storia
The History of King Philip's War. by Benjamin Church Or Rather, Written by T. Church from Notes by...
Tytuł: Historia wojny króla Filipa. Przez...
The History of King Philip's War. by Benjamin Church [Or Rather, Written by T. Church from Notes by B. Church]. [Przedruk pierwszego wydania z 1716 roku. - The History of King Philip's War. by Benjamin Church [Or Rather, Written by T. Church from Notes by B. Church]. [A Reprint of the First Edition, 1716.
Opis plemion arabskich w okolicach Adenu ... Compiled Under the Orders of Government. Z tablicami...
Tytuł: An Account of the Arab Tribes in the...
Opis plemion arabskich w okolicach Adenu ... Compiled Under the Orders of Government. [Z tablicami genealogicznymi i mapami]. - An Account of the Arab Tribes in the Vicinity of Aden ... Compiled Under the Orders of Government. [With Genealogical Tables and Maps.]
Under Nordlysets Straaler. Skildringer fra Lappernes Land.
Tytuł: Under Nordlysets Straaler. Skildringer fra Lappernes Land. Wydawca: British...
Under Nordlysets Straaler. Skildringer fra Lappernes Land.
Madam How and Lady Why, Etc. (Drugie wydanie. Przedruk.). - Madam How and Lady Why, Etc. (Second...
Tytuł: Madam How and Lady Why, etc. (Wydanie...
Madam How and Lady Why, Etc. (Drugie wydanie. Przedruk.). - Madam How and Lady Why, Etc. (Second Edition. Reprinted.).
Narrative of a Voyage to New Zealand, Performed in the Years 1814 and 1815, in Company with the REV...
Tytuł: Narrative of a Voyage to New Zealand,...
Narrative of a Voyage to New Zealand, Performed in the Years 1814 and 1815, in Company with the REV. S. Marsden, Etc.
Gerald Fitzgerald: A Novel.
Tytuł: Gerald Fitzgerald: powieść. Wydawca: British Library, Historical Print EditionsBiblioteka Brytyjska jest biblioteką narodową...
Gerald Fitzgerald: A Novel.
Dzieła Sir J. F. ... Teraz po raz pierwszy zebrane i ułożone przez Thomasa (Fortescue) Lorda...
Tytuł: Dzieła Sir J. F... Po raz pierwszy...
Dzieła Sir J. F. ... Teraz po raz pierwszy zebrane i ułożone przez Thomasa (Fortescue) Lorda Clermont. (Historia rodziny Fortescue we wszystkich jej gałęziach) - The Works of Sir J. F. ... Now first collected and arranged by Thomas (Fortescue) Lord Clermont. (A History of the Family of Fortescue in all its bran
Reminiscencje starego Gloucester: Or Incidents in the History of the Counties of Gloucester,...
Tytuł: Reminiscencje starego Gloucester: lub...
Reminiscencje starego Gloucester: Or Incidents in the History of the Counties of Gloucester, Atlantic and Camden, New Jersey. - Reminiscences of Old Gloucester: Or Incidents in the History of the Counties of Gloucester, Atlantic and Camden, New Jersey.
Nasz dom na Cyprze. ... z ilustracjami i mapą. - Our Home in Cyprus. ... with Illustrations and a...
Tytuł: Nasz dom na Cyprze... Z ilustracjami i...
Nasz dom na Cyprze. ... z ilustracjami i mapą. - Our Home in Cyprus. ... with Illustrations and a Map.

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