Prezentacja autora B. J:

Dotychczas wydane książki B. J:

The Tragical History, Admirable Atchievements, and Various Events of Guy, Earl of Warwick, a Tragedy...
Tytuł: The tragical history, admirable...
The Tragical History, Admirable Atchievements, and Various Events of Guy, Earl of Warwick, a Tragedy [in Five Acts and in Prose and Verse], Written by
Christian Epistles, Travels and Sufferings, of That Antient Servant of Christ, John Boweter; Who...
XVIII wiek był okresem bogactwa wiedzy,...
Christian Epistles, Travels and Sufferings, of That Antient Servant of Christ, John Boweter; Who Departed This Life, the 16th of the 11th Month, 1704.

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